What To Expect in Marietta GA

Wondering what to expect on your first visit at Blumsack Family Chiropractic in Marietta GA for Chiropractic care? Here is a little more info on what may happen on your first few visit to the clinic.
Case History in Marietta GA
You will be asked to fill out a chiropractic case history. A chiropractic case history is very different from a case history you have ever filled out. We start with the birth process, your childhood and your current health today. This Chiropractic case history helps reveal any invisible layers of damage that have accumulated throughout your lifetime. The first trauma to your spine usually happens during the birth process.
At the consultation, Dr. Blumsack will talk with you about what he will be doing on the first visit. The first visit will include Chiropractic tests to locate and detect vertebral subluxations (spinal misalignment's) and take any necessary x-rays. He will also go over the fees that you will incur that day. Should you decide to continue with the chiropractic evaluation. Dr. Blumsack will also let you know what to expect on your next visit.
Chiropractic Evaluation
During your Chiropractic Evaluation we will be looking for the presence of vertebral subluxations and how it has effected body function. Your evaluation will include specific chiropractic tests looking for spinal distortions, restricted ranges of motion, muscle spasm, inflammation, abnormal nerve function and brain-stem pressure. When x-rays are necessary we will also determine if there is any spinal degeneration and how severe it is.
Visit 2 - Report of Findings
Upon completion of all of the above you will be scheduled to meet with Dr. Blumsack for your 2nd Visit-Report of Findings. Dr. Blumsack will carefully review your Chiropractic case history, analyze your chiropractic test results and any x-rays taken. Dr. Blumsack will write up your personalized report of findings outlining his best recommendations for you and go over the financial aspect of your care.
Visit 2 - Chiropractic Adjustment
Upon acceptance of Dr. Blumsack's recommendations you will receive a specific scientific chiropractic adjustment to begin your journey back to health.
Call our Marietta GA chiropractic team today for a no-obligation consultation and get your child and family on their way to a better life.
8:30am - 11:00am
3:30pm - 6:30pm
3:30pm - 6:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
3:30pm - 6:30pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Blumsack Family Chiropractic
3770 Due West Road #200
Marietta, GA 30064